Lot 73 - * Sutcliffe (Frank Meadow, 1853-1941). Study of two figures in a rural landscape, c. 1890
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 74 - * Sutcliffe (Frank Meadow, 1853-1941). Whitby Harbour, c. 1880s, carbon print
Estimated at £300 - £500
Lot 79 - * Adams (Marcus, 1875-1959). A group of 4 photographs of images for The Water Babies
Estimated at £300 - £500
Lot 80 - * Adams (Marcus, 1875-1959). A group of 40 photographic studies of children, c. 1930s/1950s
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 83 - * Autochromes. A group of 3 quarter-plate autochromes, early 20th century
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 95 - Cartier-Bresson (Henri). Les Européens, 1st French ed., Paris, 1955
Estimated at £200 - £300