Price and date
Antiques (1)
Autographs & Ephemera (97)
Books (302)
Decorative Prints (40)
Fine Art (3)
Maps (108)
Photography (3)
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Lot 97 - Greek Anthology. Epigrammatum Graecorum libri VII... , 1549
Sold for £600
Lot 98 - Munster (Sebastian). Cosmographiae Universalis Lib. VI..., [Basel: Heinrich Petri, circa 1550]
Sold for £2,000
Lot 99 - Phayer (Thomas) A new Boke of presidentes... , 1559
Sold for £750
Lot 100 - Bible [English; Matthew's Version]. [The Byble, that is to saye, all the holye Scripture... , 1551]
Sold for £2,600
Lot 101 - Justin Martyr (Saint). Tou agiou Joustinou philosochou kai martyros..., 1551
Sold for £1,050
Lot 102 - Tauler (Johannes). Tam de Tempore quam de Sanctis Homilie..., 1553
Sold for £460
Lot 103 - Possevini (Giovanni Battista). Dialogo dell'honore di M. Giovanni Battista Possevini Mantovano, 1556
Sold for £950
Lot 104 - Bible [Latin]. Biblia interprete Sebastiano Castalione una cum ejusdem annotationibus, March 1556
Sold for £2,400
Lot 105 - Goltz (Hubert). Les Images presque de tous les empereurs, depuis C. Julius Caesar... , 1557
Lot 106 - Langland (William). The Vision of Pierce Plowman: nowe the seconde tyme imprinted... , 1550
Sold for £16,000
Lot 107 - Hertel (Jakob). Ta ek ton palaion kai panton sophon komikon, 1560
Lot 108 - Nannini (Remigio). Orationi in Materia Civile, e Criminale, Venice: Gabriel Giolito, 1561
Sold for £700
Lot 109 - Patrizi (Francesco). Il Sacro Regno del vero reggimento, 1569
Sold for £1,700
Lot 110 - Benoist (Rene). Les Epistres de S. Paul. Les Epistres Catholiques, 1569
Sold for £260
Lot 111 - Major (Georg). Cantica ex sacris literis, 1574
Sold for £480
Lot 112 - Ovid. Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio, Venice, 1580
Lot 113 - Cartari (Vincenzo). Imagines Deorum, qui ab Antiquis colebantur, Lyon, 1581
Sold for £500
Lot 114 - Josephus (Flavius). Di Flavio Givseppe, dell' Antichita' de Givdei Libri XX, 1582
Lot 115 - Herodotus. Historiae Libri IX: : Et de vita homeri libellus, Frankfurt: Andrae Wecheli, 1584
Sold for £1,150
Lot 116 - Dedekind (Friedrich). Grobianus, et Grobiana, De Morum Simplicitate... (1584)
Sold for £80
Lot 117 - Blundeville (Thomas, 1522?-1606?). A Briefe Description of Universal Mappes and Cardes... , 1589
Sold for £62,000
Lot 118 - Du Bellay (Guillaume). Discipline militaire de messire Guillaume Du Bellay... , 1592
Sold for £440
Lot 119 - Agrippa (Camillo). Nvove Inventioni di Camillo Agrippa Milanese. Rome: Domenico Gigliotti, 1595
Sold for £3,000
Lot 120 - Terence. Terence in English. Fabulae comici facetissimi..., 4th edition, 1614
Sold for £400