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Monday & Tuesday 10/11 February 9.30am-5.30pm
Sale morning from 9am (other times by appointment)
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Lot 1 - * Australia. Rapkin (J.), Australia, London: John Tallis & Co., circa 1840
Lot 2 - * Brecknock. Blaeu (Johannes). Comitatus Brechiniae Breknoke, Amsterdam: circa 1645
Lot 3 - British Isles maps. A collection of 13 maps, mostly 19th-century
Lot 5 - * Chester. Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Frans), Cestria (vulgo) Chester Angliae Civitas, 1581
Lot 6 - Europe. Unknown Cartographer, XVI Intervalle..., Paris, circa 1800
Lot 7 - Isle of Man. Speed (John), The Isle of Man, 1st edition, 1611
Lot 9 - * Monmouthshire. Saxton (Christopher & Hole G.), Monumethensis Comitatus... [1637]
Lot 10 - * Ogilby (John). The Road from London to St Davids in com. Pembroke, circa 1690
Lot 11 - * Rome. Munster (Sebastian), Der Statt Rom...., circa 1585
Lot 12 - Sea Charts. A Collection of 13 Admiralty Charts, late 19th-century
Lot 14 - Title Pages. A large collection of approximately 800 titles, 16th - 19th century
Lot 15 - Von Reilly(F. J. J.). Schauplatz der Funf Theile der Welt..., Vienna, 1791
Lot 17 - * Aldin (Cecil, 1870 - 1935). The Links, published by Eyre & Sptottiswoode
Lot 18 - * Alice in Wonderland. Ware (Charles M.), The Tea Party, 1976, and others
Lot 19 - * Anderson (Stanley, 1884-1966). Place St. Gervais, Falaise, etching
Lot 20 - * Audubon (John James). Mallard Duck, Alecto edition, circa 1985
Lot 21 - * Audubon (John James). The Birds of America, Facsimile edition, Edition Leipzig, 1984
Lot 22 - * Austrian School. Winter Landscape, oil on canvas.., and one other
Lot 23 - * Beier (Ottohans, 1892-1979). Im Neuen Jahr Gute Tage!..., and others